Resultados 1 al 4 de 4
  1. #1
    Fecha de ingreso
    jul 2006

    Predeterminado cosas divertidas sobre renovables y ahorros energéticos

    "The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one."

    Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

    Power generation

    Cylinders Could Harness Energy from Slow-Moving Waters

    Cylinders Could Harness Energy from Slow-Moving Waters | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Maximizing Wave Power, by Design

    Maximizing Wave Power, by Design Earth2Tech

    cid:[email protected]

    … And 5 River Power Players to Watch

    5 River Power Players to Watch Earth2Tech

    cid:[email protected]

    Micron-gap thermal photovoltaics: promising technology breakthrough

    Thermal Photovoltaics Breakthrough by MTPV Corp. : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    New Rope Climbing Robot Inspects Wind Turbines Better Than Humans

    New Rope Climbing Robot Inspects Wind Turbines Better Than Humans : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    Using Sound Waves to Charge Cell Phones

    Using Sound Waves to Charge Cell Phones : TreeHugger

    Energy in Buildings

    Duh! Powering Restaurants with Waste Oil: integrated solution for restaurants

    Duh! Powering Restaurants with Waste Oil | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Dumpster-Sized Generator Turns Trash into Power

    EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Building Integrated Solar Power Tiles Now Available With SunRun Solar-As-Service Program

    Building Integrated Solar Power Tiles Now Available With SunRun Solar-As-Service Program : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    Transparent Solar Windows

    EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Radically Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning, thanks to the use of high-strength fibers

    Radically Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Another one from TED: $25 Fridge Powered By Cooking Fire

    $25 Fridge Powered By Cooking Fire | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]


    Michelin Unveils Active Wheel in Affordable Electric Car

    Michelin Unveils Active Wheel in Affordable Electric Car : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    Human-Solar Powered Hybrid Electric Car Unveiled in California

    Human-Solar Powered Hybrid Electric Car Unveiled in California : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    70 MPH Electric Airplane Costs $0.70 to Charge (DIY kits available :-))

    70 MPH Electric Airplane Costs $0.70 to Charge | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Biomimicry: Shark-Inspired "Skin" for Cars Claims to Improve MPG

    Biomimicry: Shark-Inspired "Skin" for Cars Claims to Improve MPG : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    Fuels and alternatives

    Can Solix Cut the Cost of Making Algae by 90%?

    Greentech Media | Can Solix Cut the Cost of Making Algae by 90%?

    cid:[email protected]

    ZPowerpac Portable Fuel Cell Chargers and PowerAir Zinc-Air batteries

    ZPowerpac Portable Fuel Cell Chargers - The Next Big Thing? : TreeHugger

    Zinc-Air Batteries | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Breakthrough Catalyst for Artificial Photosynthesis

    EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Energy Storage

    Secretive EEStor Granted Patent for Ultracapacitor Technology

    Secretive EEStor Granted Patent for Ultracapacitor Technology : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    South Korea Testing Out Ultracapacitors

    South Korea Testing Out Ultracapacitors | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    Is Cheap, Efficient Storage for Wind Power Finally Here?

    Is Cheap, Efficient Storage for Wind Power Finally Here? | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    NAS Batteries | Power Business | Products | NGK INSULATORS, LTD.

    cid:[email protected]


    Energizer Getting in on the Solar Battery Game

    Energizer Getting in on the Solar Battery Game | EcoGeek - Clean Technology

    cid:[email protected]

    New and Improved: The Voltaic Generator Solar Powered Laptop Bag

    New and Improved: The Voltaic Generator Solar Powered Laptop Bag : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    You Shall Have Bike Lanes Wherever You Go: Project you own private bike lane on the road

    You Shall Have Bike Lanes Wherever You Go : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    Educational Renewable Energy Science Kits at CES 2009

    CES 2009: Horizon Renewable Energy Science Kits : TreeHugger

    CES 2009: The 6-in-One Solar Toy Kit : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]


    'Zero Emissions' Antarctic Station Researchers Move In, Part I

    'Zero Emissions' Antarctic Station Researchers Move In, Part I : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    'Energy Super Ring' of Offshore Wind Farms Could Mean Europe's Energy Independence

    ?Energy Super Ring? of Offshore Wind Farms Could Mean Europe?s Energy Independence : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    It's Not Easy Being Afghanistan's First Wind Farm

    It's Not Easy Being Afghanistan's First Wind Farm : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    Renegade Activist Single-Handedly Shuts Down Power Plant

    Renegade Activist Single-Handedly Shuts Down Power Plant : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    UFO Octopus Destroys Wind Turbine?

    UFO Octopus Destroys Wind Turbine? : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    From our Dutch neighbors: use 20% less ink with the freely downloadable Ecofont

    Ecofont | Download het Ecofont

    cid:[email protected]

    Some slightly cynical posters about the state of nature (article in Dutch)

    Lowtech Magazine: Bosbouw, anno 2009

    cid:[email protected]

    cid:[email protected]

    "Technology, technology, you make the coal burn cleanly": Christmas songs like you never heard them before

    My favorites: "O, Technology" and "Frosty the coal man" :-)

    Clean Coal Carolers from an Industry Run By Morons : TreeHugger

    cid:[email protected]

    Gorilla in the Greenhouse: animated movies with an evil mastermind and a mind controlling worm

    Gorilla in the Greenhouse

    cid:[email protected]

  2. #2
    rosendo está desconectado Forero
    Fecha de ingreso
    ene 2008

    Predeterminado Respuesta: cosas divertidas sobre renovables y ahorros energéticos

    thank you. but mi no comprender.

  3. #3
    Avatar de Photon
    Photon está desconectado Moderador
    Fecha de ingreso
    jul 2006
    Entradas de blog

    Predeterminado Respuesta: cosas divertidas sobre renovables y ahorros energéticos

    Si ,pues " mi " no se va a leer todo eso....................tas pasao Johnny

  4. #4
    wassup está desconectado Miembro del foro
    Fecha de ingreso
    ene 2009

    Predeterminado Respuesta: cosas divertidas sobre renovables y ahorros energéticos

    Qué quejicas sois

    Buenos enlaces y muy curiosos, me ha gustado la piel de tiburón y lo de cargar el móvil a pedos, jajajaja.

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